Your employer just gave you a huge bundle of medical insurance information. Before you let out a small moan and hurl the book to the furthest corner of your desk, it might be a good idea to look it over and see if you understand it fully. Keep in mind that this medical insurance someday just might help save your life. There are a few medical insurance terms that can cause confusion, so here are some tips to help define and clarify some of the most common terms that you’ll …
Your employer just gave you a huge bundle of medical insurance information. Before you let out a small moan and hurl the book to the furthest corner of your desk, it might be a good idea to look it over and see if you understand it fully. Keep in mind that this medical insurance someday just might help save your life. There are a few medical insurance terms that can cause confusion, so here are some tips to help define and clarify some of the most common terms that you’ll come across in a normal health insurance manual. Use this as a brief reference point, but be sure to refer to your manual for further details.